

Innovation: the key to uncompromising quality

Maison Mumm has been an innovating force of change in the making of champagne since its beginnings in 1827, when it became the first House to install presses directly in the vineyards to extract juice of the highest quality. This avant-garde vision is rooted in an uncompromising relationship with quality, summarized by Georges Hermann Mumm’s motto: “Nec Plus Ultra” (“Only the Best”).

Mumm’s quest for excellence originated on the Montagne de Reims, in Verzenay, a Grand Cru-classified village famed for its Pinot Noir. For nearly two hundred years, the House has been continually exploring new methods with which to reveal the essence of this grape, whose powerful, rich and fruity nature has become a signature of Mumm’s distinctive style.

The Mumm vineyards

The vineyards acquired by Maison Mumm in the course of its nearly 200-year history have a rating of 98% on the Echelle des Crus index, a testament to their remarkable quality. Of the 218 hectares in Maison Mumm’s estate, 78% are dedicated to Pinot Noir.

Mumm cares for the land that provides it with these outstanding grapes by cultivating biodiversity and reducing the environmental pressure on its vineyards.

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Whereas the Champagne region as a whole aims to stop using chemical herbicides by 2025, Maison Mumm is one of the first champagne houses to have already done so, having implemented a zero-herbicide policy on its own parcels at the beginning of 2020.

Furthermore, in 2016, 100% of Maison Mumm vineyards obtained a double certification for Sustainable Viticulture in Champagne and High Environmental Value. The vineyards also meet Quality Safety Environment (QSE) standards. These certifications recognize respect for the environment, landscapes and biodiversity, as well as the safety and wellbeing of employees.

Technological advances


In its quest to eliminate herbicides and improve the working conditions of its employees in the vineyards, Maison Mumm is one of the first champagne houses to adopt Bakus, a robot designed by the Reims-based startup, Vitibot, which assists winegrowers in tending the vines, most notably with the physically demanding task of weeding.

The House is exploring other means to reduce its environmental footprint, through growing practices and machinery, such as with the use of green fertilizers, alternative treatments, confined spraying and electric trimming trolleys.

Sharing expertise


Maison Mumm works closely with its partner winegrowers, and has set up a dedicated structure to support and accompany them in their transition to sustainable viticulture, notably in obtaining environmental certification.

In-house initiatives for Maison Mumm employees, such as the Grande Matinale de l’Oenologie, aim to educate and raise awareness of environmental best practice, while facilitating a reconnection with nature.


A pioneering approach

Guided by its pioneering spirit, Maison Mumm is working to project its wines into the future.

After an auditing phase of its terroirs and characterizing its soils, Maison Mumm is working to regenerate them by increasing their fertility in order to improve the quality and resilience of the ecosystems. New cultural practices linked to soils also contribute to enriching biodiversity in Champagne, in addition to the specific initiatives of the House in this field.

For Mumm, the newest luxury is producing beautiful objects for sharing while also paying sufficient attention to the planet.

The House is launching the Mumm Kraft Box, a new eco-designed gift box has a natural aesthetic that is deliberately “raw” and unique. A move in favor of nature that the House ensures from vineyard to glass.

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